Miss Mitzi Gaynor

I thought my blog was entertainment for the eye...but this kind of ENTERTAINMENT is DEF! for my eyes...

Mitzy Gaynor, A LEADING LADY IN MUSICAL THEATRE. Famous for her spectacular talent in music, dancing, acting and singing,She happens to be someone i simply admire. from the moment my eyes seen her on television, I was instantly attracted to her whole movement. Viewing the two era's of fashion, music and theatre, i must say we still have much in common...but this one is highly unique and one of a kind to me.

I'm sure your parents and grandparents were just as excited as i Am today. :)

The crowd definitely always had her full attention and the spotlight belong to Mitzy!! her unique sequence style reminds me of Tina Knowles designs for R&B singer Beyonce. so I'm guessing shes also an inspiration. GO MITZY!!! :) I cant ever forget the feeling and interest in my gut when watching a memorable program on TV, about her.&& Ofcourse i would love to share this with the world!

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